About Me

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Corporis, dolor sapiente enim porro in molestias consequuntur adipisci veniam asperiores repellendus soluta, explicabo nobis voluptatum nam saepe. Maiores numquam sint repellendus!


Mary Hardy




Web dev


Dhaka, Bangladesh

What I Do

Vannila Javascript

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos eos veniam obcaecati sit optio quae?


Porro quaerat a tempora delectus vero, voluptatibus, nostrum necessitatibus, rem hic est modi officia laborum.


Laudantium, reprehenderit, nulla et recusandae fuga accusantium eum neque officia sunt a earum, expedita quaerat!


Excepturi accusantium inventore quidem repudiandae corrupti molestiae ullam quod reiciendis quam ea? Veritatis, possimus debitis?

A summary of My Resume

My Education

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

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Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

My Experience

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

Master in Computer Engineering

Harvard University / 2015 - 2017

List skill/technologies here. You can change the icon above to any of the 1500+ FontAwesome 5 free icons available. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor.

Let's connect

Please fill out the form on this section to contact with me or call between 9:00 A.M and 8.00 P.M ET, Monday through Friday.

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